Emsworth's Community Groups, Clubs & Organisations



Westbourne Principia Explorer Scout Unit Activities for boys & girls aged 14-17 that develop individual resilience, teamwork and leadership. The group meet on Tuesdays 7pm to 9pm at 1st Westbourne, Scout Hut, Akela Way, Mill Road, Westbourne PO10 8FF. If you are ready to join the adventure, contact Jim at jamesrbratt@googlemail.com for more information about Westbourne Scouts please follow this link: https://1stwestbourne.co.uk/home-2/ .

The Final Straw Foundation based in Emsworth,  group of volunteers giving their time to help clean up our local community spaces. For more information visit:  https://finalstrawfoundation.org


 Arts& Crafts

Bench Theatre Club nights first and third Thursday of month at The Spring, East Street, Havant. Contact: Janice Halsey secretary@benchtheatre.org.uk

Bourne Quilters 7.15pm, first Monday of month, Emsworth Community Centre, North Street. Contact Chris BarreII 07585 55916

Dementia Choir For Emsworth meetings held on the Last Wednesday of the Month11.00am -12.oopm ea the Pastoral Centre19 High Street, Emsworth. A group where people living with dementia and their care givers can enjoy singing together and all the health benefits this brings. For more information contact Right at Home T. 02393878787

Devil’s Jumps Clog Devil’s Jumps is a local step clog group (think River Dance with clogs on). Contact: Clare Mach  02392 571946 Email:  clare.mach@gmail.com   www.devilsjumps.emsworthonline.co.uk

Emsworth Art Group 9.15am - 11.15am, Wednesdays, Emsworth Community Centre, North Street. New members welcome. Contact  Trevor Smith atrevorsmith@gmail.com"

Emsworth Flower Club 2pm, fourth Friday of month, St James' Parish Hall, Church Path. Contact, Secretary emsworthflowerclub@gmail.com

Emsworth Meridian Singers and Choir  7.45pm-9.15pm, main choir meets Thursdays, Emsworth Community Centre, North Street. Contact Louise Russell 07985 606670 louise. slrussell@outlook.com

Emsworth Players

Drama group. Contact Jim Strudwick 01243 372543, jim.strudwick@yahoo.co.uk

Emsworth Watercolours for Improver  3.45 Mondays at The Waterside Church Hall, Bath Road, Emsworth. Contact David Moignard 02392 267498 or 07308258669

avant Camera Club Meets every Tuesday 7.30 - 9.30pm from September (starting S Sept) to May at Emsworth Community Centre. North Sueet. www.havantcameraclub.co.uk 

Havant Light Opera 7 30pm. Mondays at The Spring Arts & Heritage Centre. East Street, Havant. Contact Judy Halpin 02392 570545 www.havantlightopera.co.uk

Hole in the Wall Group, Clive Yeomans Pottery  Facilities are behind the Emsworth Community Centre. Email: hitwg.pottery@ gmail.com
Heart Art Club Classes held at rear of Jingles Hotel, Horndean Road, Emsworth. Email: iheartartclub@gmail.com Thursday 6-7pm secondary sketch club Friday 10-11am adult art club Saturday 10-10.45 Saturday sketch club. All at Blooms Cafe.

Sing 2 Health Group Do you want to do something healthy and fun? Meet Thursdays September Emsworth Community Centre 11:00am-12:00 noon Everyone welcome! Inclusive & disablity-friendly. Book your free taster session – contact Ruth Routledge reroutledge@gmail.com
In stitches Stitch group Knit, stitch, crochet. Fridays, free drop in, 10am to 12pm at Methodist Church in The Square Emsworth. We are about friendship, fun and laughter. Contact Judy Williams on Judywilliams9@googlemail.com. or 07906 214963

Renaissance Choir Rehearsals, 7.30pm-9.30pm, Fridays at Emsworth Community Centre. More info www.renaissancechoir.org.uk

Solent Male Voice Choir 7.30pm, Tuesdays at in The Pallant Centre, Havant. Membership open to all men 18 years+. No musical ability required, just enthusiasm. Contact Dave McVittie dmcv@solentmalevoicechoir.org, www.solentmalevoicechoir.org

Village Voices Choir, Emsworth We rehearse at The Methodist Church Emsworth - Wednesdays 7.30pm. We welcome interest from singers with experience singing in harmony and knowledge of following scores - see website http://emsworthvillagevoices.org Next Concert: 25th June 3.30pm Southbourne Village Hall.

Comunity Organisations

The Chichester Harbour Veteran’s Club Meet on the third Thursday of the month although venue will vary - details on the website: hwww.chivets.square.site

Community First Services in the area such as community transport and Shop Mobility. Contact 0300 500 8085, support@cfirst.org.uk, www.cfirst.org.uk

Ems Valley Community Transport Volunteer driver car service for those unable to use public transport. Journeys to hospital, GP surgery, dentists, social events and shopping although medical journeys take precedence. All enquiries including how to volunteer contact: Tel 07481 179 203, 01243 371903 email.evctsec@gmail.com www.evctcars.org

Emsworth Business Association Networking and profiling association for local businesses. Join via its website: www. emsworth.org.uk. Queries sent to Lulu Bowerman, Chair lulu.bowerman@havant.gov.uk

Emsworth Community Association To promote the health and wellbeing of the inhabitants of Emsworth and neighbouring areas by providing education, recreation and social activities in premises which are both comfortable and accessible to all. Emsworth Community Centre, North Street. 10am-12 noon, Monday to Friday. Contact: 01243 373805, info@emsworthcommunitycentre. org.uk

Emsworth Community Hub Emsworth Sports & Social Club 43 Havant Road, Emsworth P010 7J OPEN TO ALL - JUST DROP IN 5 days a week from the 8th of Jan Monday - Friday 12 till 4pm A free warm space to socialise, offering daily activities, tea, coffee & snacks. Daily newspaper, Games, Sports, Singing etc... Come alone, with a friend or carer, all ages welcome.

Emsworth Community Land Trust Creating affordable homes and community spaces. New members and volunteers welcome. Contact: Ellie Turnbull, Secretary 01243 432548, info@emsworthclt.org. uk, www.emsworthclt.org.uk

Emsworth Good Neighbours Offers help with transport to hospitals, medical appointments, shopping, befriending, collecting prescriptions etc. Contact: 01243 430999. info@ emsworthgoodneighbours.org.uk. www.emsworthgoodneighbours.org.uk

Emsworth Horticultural Society Organises the Emsworth Show, horticultural supplies hut at Washington Road, talks and coach outings. Contact: Lyn Davies, Chair, 01243 373810 ehschair@outlook.com www.emsworthhorticulturalsociety.org.uk

Emsworth Library Opening hours are: Tuesday 9.30 am - 5 pm. Thursday 9.30 am - 5 pm. Friday 9.30 am - 5 pm. Saturday 9.30 am -1.30 pm. (Closed Monday, Wednesday and Sunday) Now based at Emsworth Community Centre, North St, Emsworth.Contact: 0845 6035631 emsworth. library@hants.gov.uk, www.hants.gov.uk/ library

Emsworth Morning Women's Institute Meetings held on the 2nd Friday of the month at 9.45 am (except August) in Emsworth Community Centre. Contact: Diana Pallett (President): 01243 681910

Emsworth Museum 10B North Street (on the first floor of the building - above the Fire Station) Access from the adjacent car park. Open to visitors from April - October on Saturdays, most Bank Holidays and Fridays in August 10.30 am - 4.30 pm and on Sundays 1.30pm - 4.30pm. Admission free. Stairlitt available. For more information 01243 378091 iwww.emsworthmuseum.org.uk

Emsworth Probus Club Retired businessmen who meet at the Brookfield Hotel for lunch on the last Monday of each month. Contact: P Keough 01243 373436 or Peter Spreckley 01243 371390. Annual subscription is E15.00 plus lunch costs.

 Emsworth Residents Forum Formed In 2023 through the merger of Emsworth Residents' Association and Emsworth Forum. Independent, non­partisan organisation run by volunteers that work to represent the Interests of the whole community to help make Emsworth a pleasant, safe and caring place to live and work The organisation Is recognised by Havant Borough Council as a statutory consultee on planning matters. New members and volunteers are always welcome . https://emsworthresidentsforum.org.uk Publisher of The Ems newspaper editortheems@outiook.com.https://emsworthresidentsforum.org.uk

 Emsworth-St Aubin TwInning Association  For Information and activities between both towns contact John Auric, Membership Secretary 01243 379018 or Judi Milburn, Chair 02392 471645. www.emsworthstaubln. org.uk

Emsworth Trefoil Guild Social group for all ex-guiders or girt guides. Meets at Methodist International Hall, The Square. Emsworth on the first Monday of each month from 2 p.m. to 4 pm. New members wekome. Contact: Marion Lea 01243 376886, marionlealehotmail.com

Friends of Emsworth Community Health  Supports organisations providing health-related facilities in Emsworth. Contact Irene Craig 01243 378635 Email: Irenecralg71@gmail.com

Havant Friends of the Earth Contact Patricia Williamson 01243 378560.Membership secretary p.lvy®Uscall.co.uk

Havant Rotary Club   The Bear Hotel, East Street, Havant. Contact Ian Swinton 01243 251776

Hewitt's 35 South Street_ Art gallery. gift shop and hall for hire. Contact 01243 213600

Love Your Neighbour Campaign To support families and Individuals who may be struggling financially, or require food parcels. Together with support from local councils. schools and healthcare professionals they receive referrals of people who would benefit from this Initiative. For more Information and referrals, call 07835 441076.

Mothers' Union Contact Margaret Comick. Secretary 01243 378044

Royal National Lifeboat Institution Emsworth Branch Contact Caroline Tilley 01243 699451 EMaii:Carolinedileyigyahoo.con

Southbourne Gardening Club Monthly meeting held on 4th Thursday in the month at 7.30pm at the Free Church Hall, The Drive, Southbourne P010 8JP  Contact: ruth.heelan@talktalk.net

St John Ambulance Fraser Road. Havant. Contact: Jennifer. quibell@ga.org.uk

University of the Third Age, Emsworth u3a  Over 30 subject groups that meet monthly. 10.15am, third Friday of month, except August and December. General meeting at St James Church Hall, Church Path. Contact: Hazel Irwin, Membership Secretary, 01243 940310. Hwww. emsworthu3a.org.uk

University of the Third Age, Ems Valley u3a  Over 5O subject groups that meet monthly. General meeting on fourth Thursday of month a t 2pm (except August and December) at Emsworth Baptist Church, North St. Contact: Tim Mathews. Chair www. emsvalleyu3a.org.uk

Westbourne Bell-Ringers Westbourne Church Westbourne Road. Practice 7pm-9pm on Mondays. Service ringing on Sundays. Contact: Tower Captain Peter Wilkinson, westbourne@SCACR.org.uk or Jason Crouch 07802 474899.

WemsFest World music and comedy at local venues. Contact: Mark Millington-Ringwood, Artistic Director 01243 370501, 07802 500050, www.wemsfest.com

Nature Conservation
& the nvironment

Brook Meadow Conservation Group  10am-12noon, first Sunday and third Thursday of every month. Meet at Seagull Lane entrance by HQ/Tool store. Tools and gloves supplied, and refreshments. Contact:brookmeadowcg@outlook.com, 07779 759696

Emsworth Tree Wardens Taking care of trees in Emsworth and surrounding area. Various ongoing tree-related projects. Contact Yvonne Copeland 01243 389877

Friends of Emsworth Memorial Garden  Helping to maintain the garden on the south­east corner of Horndean Road Recreation Ground. Work sessions 10 am, second Monday of each month, contact 01243 371486

Friends of Hampshire Farm Meadows A conservation group holding monthly work parties all year round at Hampshire Farm Meadows, a 42 acre area of open space in North Emsworth. Contact hfmfriends@grmail.com

Friends of Nore Barn Woods Work sessions: 9.30am-12noon, second Saturdays of each month. Tools, coffee and biscuits provided, bring gloves. Meet at shore end of Warblington Road. Contact Roy Ewing 01243 370705 www.norebarnwoods.org.uk

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust  Holds monthly talks between September-March, plus weekly wildlife walks and nature notes. Contact www.hiwwt.org.uk


Arthritis First Exercise classes for those with mobility problems, run by an experienced Chartered Physiotherapist All ages and abilities welcome. Classes are conducted via Zoom on Mondays and Thursdays. Contact Juliette 07974 238787, 02392 413885. www. arthritisfirstco.uk 

Brendoncare Emsworth Keep Fit 1 Shape up with Sally, 10arn-11arn. Thursdays term time. Emsworth Community Centre, North Street. Contact 01962 857099, www. brendoncare.org.uk/clubs

Brendoncare Emsworth Keep Fit 2  Shape up with Sally, 11.30am•12.30pm, Thursdays term time. Emsworth Community Centre, North Street. Contact 01962 857099, www.brendoncare.org.uk/clubs

Brendoncare Emsworth Kurling Club  2pm-4pm, Mondays. Emsworth Community Centre, North Street. Contact 01962 857099, www.brendoncare.org.uk/clubs

MHA Singing for the Mind dementia friendly singing group. 10am-12noon, second Friday of each month. St James' Church Parish Hall. Contact: 023 9387 8777, havant@rightathomeuk.com

Ramblers Wellbeing Walks in Emsworth  (formerly Walking to Health) Wednesdays 10:30 am starting at various local locations. Free, short, safe walks aimed at all ages and abilities. Walks are in and around Emsworth and neighbouring villages. Contact: Rob Self 02392 484412 / robertself@ntworld.com or John Bond 01243 376302  bond.jab7@gmail. corn  

Emsworth Qigong  Qigong class in Emsworth Parish Hall, 20A Church Path, Emsworth, PO10 7DP each Tuesday at 2pm and Wednesday at 9.30am & 11am www.emsworthqigong.com

Sports and Social Clubs

Badminton club  Friendly badminton club, for all abilities. 8pm-9.30pm every Thursday. Bourne Leisure Centre, Southbourne. First evening free. Contact carolbaptist@aol.com

Bourne 55 Archery Club  Based at the Bourne Leisure Centre, Southbourne P010 8131. We offer beginners courses twice a year, the next one starts on Sunday 25 September, 10 - 12 for 5 weeks. See website for details www.bourne55.com

Circle Dancing 2.30pm-4.30pm. second Sunday of month. Westbourne Parish Hall, Westbourne Road, Westbourne. Contact Jane Richards 01243 378531

Emsworth Bowling Club Plays April to September plus bridge/cribbage October to March and other social events. Jubilee Recreation Ground, Horndean Road, Emsworth. Contact Martin Roberts 02392 412759 http://www.emsworthbowlingclub.com

Emsworth Bridge Club 7pm-10pm, every Tuesday evening. Emsworth Sports & Social Club, 43 Havant Road. Contact 01243 376037

Emsworth Chess Club .30pm, Thursdays. Emsworth Sports & Social Club, 43 Havant Road, Contact: Kier Eyles 07761 344364, mail@emsworthchessclub.co.uk,

Emsworth Cricket Club  Contact emsworth.play-cricket.com

Emsworth & Havant Homing Society Contact admin@kdwebsolutions.com, www. ehhs.kdwebsolutions.com

Emsworth Sailing Club 55 Bath Road, Emsworth. Contact 01243 372850, membership@emsworthsc.org.uk, www.emsworthsc.org.uk

Emsworth Slipper Sailing Club Quay Mill. The Quay, South Street, Emsworth. Contact 01243 372523, secretary@ emsworthslippersc.org.ukm, www. emsworthslippersc.org.uk

Emsworth Slipper Sailing Club Radio Sailors 10am-12noon, Thursdays, and 10am-12noon Sunday (winter only). Contact John Galyer 07971 827995, 02392 355745

Emsworth Sports & Social Club 43 Havant Road. Contact the Steward 01243 www.emsworthssclub.co.uk


Children and Youth Groups

Babies, Biscuits and Banter Suitable for babies and young toddlers. 10am to 11:30am in the Parish Office, next to the Parish Hall in Church Path P010 7DP. Contact Parish Administrator 01243 372428, parishofficewwe@gmail.com
Boys' Brigade (3rd) 6.15 pm-7.30 pm, Tuesdays in term time, for boys from Year R to Year 9. We are now based at Christian Youth Enterprises (CYE), Chidham, P018 8TE. Contact the Captain: Mark Gidney 07837 005876. Email captain@emsworthboysbrigade.co.uk

Girls' Brigade (1st) 5.45 pm-7.15 pm, Tuesdays, for 4-10 years and 7pm-8.30pm, Tuesdays, 10-18 years, Emsworth Baptist Church Hall, North Street. Contact: Eleanor Day 0776 250 2380

Melana Dance Classes for young people up to 20 years, pre-school 'music and movement' classes and adult tap dancing at Emsworth Community Centre, North Street. Contact: Louisa Chandler 07717 327200
One Youth We meet every Friday during term time, 7-9pm at One Church (formerly New Life Church), Thorney Road. For young people in years 6 - College. 01243 373566.

 Livingstone Cub Pack, Beaver Section, Drake Cub Pack, Explorers, Scout Troop, all meet at the Scout Hut, Conigar Road. Contact: membership@emsworth-scouts.org.uk

Topspin Table Tennis 6pm-7.30pm, Tuesdays during term time, for 9-18 years with coaching and development at Emsworth Community Centre, just turn-up and play. Contact: 01243 373566




Listing your community group: Please contact Emsworth Online if you wish details of your group to be added to this page (voluntary, church, charitable, community, not-for-profit groups only) or if your group entry needs to be amended. E. info@emsworthonline.co.uk


Find out more about ......

Devil's Dance Clogs (External link)
Emsworth Christian Aid
Emsworth Community Association  (External link)
Emsworth Community Land Trust   (External link)
Emsworth Good Neighbours 
Emsworth in Bloom
Emsworth Lawn Bowling Club
Emdworth Scouts (External link)
Emsworth Sports and Social Club   (External link)
Emsworth's Sailing Clubs 
Final Straw Foundation
Friends of Emsworth Community Health (FECH) (External link)
RNLI Emsworth Branch
 Emsworth Residents Forum (External link)
Ems Valley Community Transport (EVCT) 
Westbourne Scouts
(External link)






























The Devil's Jumps Clog