What's on in  Emsworth - Films at the Community Centre


Coming up ........

Monday 22nd April  One Life - 2024

Monday 113th May The Lesson - 2024

Monday 10th June The Longest Day - 1963

Monday 24th June Next Goal Wins 2023

Monday 8th July The Holdovers 2023

 Monday 22nd July Wicked little letters 2023




Films are screened in Emsworth Community Centre, Mountford Rooms 1 & 2.

 Emsworth Community Centre operates in partnership with 'Moviola' to bring big-screen cinema to the local community. Our programmes cover a wide range of films from the 'block buster' award winners to selected lesser-known gems. Emsworth Community Centre operates in partnership with 'Moviola' to bring big-screen cinema to the local community.
Screenings are normally on the second Monday of the month and from time to time on the preceeding Sunday and the fourth Monday at the Community Centre, North Street.  

Tickets: £5.00 per person (inc.refreshments) from the Community Centre Office Mon-Fri 10.00am to I2 noon or from Loretta's Newsmag in the High Street. Doors open half an hour before the film shows. 
 Contact the Community Centre:
Emsworth Community Centre North Street Emsworth PO10 7DD Tel: (01243) 373805
Email: info@EmsworthCommunityCentre.org.uk  Web: