Stefanie Harvey - Labour Party

 am Stefanie Harvey and I am standing to become your Labour MP. I am I  a teacher at our local college and a proud champion of children with special educational needs. Every decision I will make as an MP affects my family and children and I will always put community first. I decided to stand as a candidate after years of inaction on our water, and hearing of children being unable to swim for fear of being ill.

I will hold Southern Water to account over this. I have also already begun to meet with DEFRA to ensure adequate sea defences. I believe in the power of politics to change lives, and that is what I intend to do. If elected, I will have an office where you can speak to me and I will hold weekly surgeries across the constituency so that I am able to address problems head on - there will be no shying away from problems.

I will open a Sure Start centre and see investment in youth programmes; children must have the best start to their lives. Infrastructure, particularly on new housing sites must be fit for purpose and I’ll ensure brownfield sites are repurposed, leaving greenfield sites for residents to enjoy. Labour will recruit and retain more teachers, doctors and dentists and I will make sure we benefit from this. I will work to ensure an increased police presence to tackle anti-social behaviour and I will work with our partners to ensure that we all have access to safe, stable and affordable homes. There is 3% difference between myself and the incumbent MP - every single one of your votes is important to me. I will be out every single day to  listen to you and earn your votes. I am ready to be a strong national voice for Emsworth and hope to serve as your MP. Please follow my facebook page to see more of what I am about, or reach out on