John Perry  -  Reform UK


Having lived in the Havant Constituency for over 40 years, I’ve witnessed the changing landscape of industries we were once famed for, but I also see opportunities within the Solent Freeport. 

My extensive career as an engineer, accountant and in business management and scrutiny will ensure Havant is firmly placed as the perfect location to invest, with its excellent transport links and a huge skilled workforce keen to reap the benefits.

ReformUKs policies are perfectly aligned to:

·         Create growth,

·         Reward those who work and want to work,

·         Ensure all, including our retired residents, benefit from an increased tax threshold,

·         Support our local businesses with simplified and lower taxes to assure prosperity.

Whilst we’re on this journey we need to ensure our NHS is fit for purpose, most of us will be experiencing difficulties getting appointments, or be on long waiting lists for a consultant or operation.   

Reform will increase the use of the private sector – it doesn’t mean selling off the NHS, just exploiting the resources available until we can get back on our feet. 

We’ve always been a most generous nation, and Havant has welcomed many people to settle here and in most recent times from Ukraine who we are delighted to host and support. 

But, it is neither acceptable nor fair for uninvited migrants to abuse the system; only ReformUK has a workable plan to resolve this.

ReformUK offers common sense policies for all.  For those who choose Private Healthcare or Independent Schooling – tax relief will make it more accessible.

Increasing tax thresholds, cutting VAT and residential stamp duty, and scrapping net zero will drive growth.   Scrapping student loan interest will relieve the misery of this debt that Blair’s Labour Government introduced in 1998.

Labour Governments have a history of taxing anyone who dared to work hard or seek to better themselves – all they have for the many, is likely to be an intention to tax us beyond belief.

This General Election is pivotal, it’s a now or never moment to choose either more of the same or vote for what you want and choose Reform UK.