Jennifer Nadia Alemanno - Workers Party of Britain


I have twenty years of experience in the energy and construction industries; I am currently in my final year of a Building Surveying degree.

I have struggled with homelessness, affording childcare as a single working mother, having to rely on food banks, and being a victim of domestic violence. I found no support. The stress and anxiety resulted in depression, again with no mental health support.

I also saw the effects of anti-social behaviour and have lived in social housing that was subsiding, flooding, full of mould, and unhealthy, with no support from any authorities.

I understand how frustrated and unsupported people feel. I want to help people living in hardship who may feel isolated and helpless against an obstructive system designed to offer no recourse or support. I am here to change that.

I fought for others on housing issues, debt, human rights, student fees, asylum cases, and career advice. I have also volunteered for local homeless charities and fought on local issues related to pollution and sewage in our seas.

The genocide in Gaza motivated me to join the Workers Party of Britain and stand in the general election. The only Party with morals and compassion for human suffering, with clear and achievable plans to give hope and a prosperous, war-free future back to the people.

I will do everything I can to stop injustices at home and abroad. I am not wealthy or financially backed by lobbyists. My campaign is self-funded with the last of my student loan, and generous donations from working-class people.

If elected, I will have a local office open to everyone and staff to assist me in addressing everyone’s concerns.

The local issues I will focus on are:

·         Health

·         Environment - I have scheduled a consultation with Portsmouth and Southern Water this week.

·         Roads & Transport - I am communicating with Network Rail to discuss the future improvement of local services.

·         Housing

·         Crime

·         Community

·         Local Business

A detailed local manifesto outlining my proposals for improving these areas can accessed on the Democracy Club’s ‘Who Can I Vote For?’ and my personal website: